Shut up!
Andrew Klavan has examined the debating tactics of the left, which can be summarized in two words - Shut Up!
Labels: political left, politics, video
Thoughts on the Red Sox, Patriots, Celtics, Politics, Movies, and whatever else happens to cross my mind.
Andrew Klavan has examined the debating tactics of the left, which can be summarized in two words - Shut Up!
Labels: political left, politics, video
Quote of the day:
Could you get a better distillation of the essence of leftist environmentalism than a bunch of leftists filming themselves enthusiastically switching off lights to plunge the world into darkness?
March 22, 2009 - The first chorus from Bach's Cantata 131, performed by the Park Street Church Sanctuary Choir and Orchestra.
More reactions to the Obama administration takeover of General Motors...
Jules Crittenden: "I guess it’s our failing auto company now."
Dan Riehl: "This is our money Obama is leveraging for power, not his. And you don't have a say in how he uses it."
Mickey Kaus: "After visibly defenstrating GM CEO RIck Wagoner, and moving to replace the board of directors, won't Obama now "own" the GM problem?"
Gateway Pundit: "And, you thought they only did this in Venezuela!"
James Lileks: "Maybe I’m old-school, but “President fires CEO” looks as wrong as “Pope fires Missile.”"
Labels: economics, General Motors, obama
After all of the abuse heaped upon George Bush over the last 8 years, after the repeated accusations from the Keith Olbermann left of fascism, let me seriously ask the following question. If Barack Obama, the head of state of the United States, can replace the CEO of General Motors, doesn't that make him, by definition, a fascist?
While watching John Wayne's 1960 The Alamo, I was bemused to see a scene that I recognized. A quick google search revealed that my eyes and memory had not deceived me. There is no doubt whatsoever that whoever composed the bottom picture here was familiar with the top one.
The Law of Unintended Consequences rears its head again...
Some experts who study the issue blame the government for the quality problems, saying an intensive federal push to lower the price essentially backfired by encouraging manufacturers to use cheap components.
The government, which will begin enforcing tighter specifications this year, says it must seek a balance between quality and affordability to achieve its goal of getting millions of additional consumers to install the bulbs.
Labels: economics, unintended consequences
My bracket looked pretty good through two rounds. It was decimated in the third. If I were in any pools, I'd certainly have been eliminated by now. Over the past two days, I lost three of my final four (Memphis, Duke and Kansas [and it was perilously close to all four, as I had originally picked Syracuse out of the south, and switched to UNC at the last second]), including both of my finalists (and, obviously, my champion).
Nice piece at the Wall Street Journal about a very entertaining John Wayne western:
The phrase "cult favorite" conjures up images of wobbly hand-held camera shots and little-known actors. But "Rio Bravo" was shot in glorious Technicolor and starred perhaps the most popular star in movie history. Most cult films are too hip to be popular, and most big hits are too popular to be hip. But "Rio Bravo" is that rarest of films -- both popular and hip.
Labels: John Wayne, movies, Rio Bravo
Professor Althouse doesn't find the Obama's social schedule "as charmingly cute as the NYT does", asking "should the President be working harder?" As far as I'm concerned, I don't have an issue with how much or how hard he's working - it's what that work is producing that's a problem. Frankly, if he'd go on a permanent vacation, I'd feel a lot more optimistic about the next four years...
Labels: obama
This is the kind of timely, incisive reporting and analysis that has made the AP what it is:
No promise from President Barack Obama is more important to the wounded economy than his vow to save or create some 3.5 million jobs in two years. In support of that bottom line, the government even tells states how many jobs they can expect to see from the spending and tax cuts.
But precise trajectories are impossible to plot and even approximations can be wildly off, as the authors of these forecasts acknowledge...Job creation is counted in different ways, but none that can isolate the stimulus package from the multitude of forces shaping the economy.
And there's no reliable way to measure how many jobs the stimulus will stop from disappearing. Companies don't report layoffs avoided by federal aid.
A must-read from yesterday's New York Times - a letter from a manager in the AIG Financial Products division to AIG (government-installed, $1 per year) CEO Ed Liddy:
DEAR Mr. Liddy,
It is with deep regret that I submit my notice of resignation from A.I.G. Financial Products. I hope you take the time to read this entire letter. Before describing the details of my decision, I want to offer some context:
I am proud of everything I have done for the commodity and equity divisions of A.I.G.-F.P. I was in no way involved in — or responsible for — the credit default swap transactions that have hamstrung A.I.G. Nor were more than a handful of the 400 current employees of A.I.G.-F.P. Most of those responsible have left the company and have conspicuously escaped the public outrage.
After 12 months of hard work dismantling the company — during which A.I.G. reassured us many times we would be rewarded in March 2009 — we in the financial products unit have been betrayed by A.I.G. and are being unfairly persecuted by elected officials.
I take this action after 11 years of dedicated, honorable service to A.I.G. I can no longer effectively perform my duties in this dysfunctional environment, nor am I being paid to do so. Like you, I was asked to work for an annual salary of $1, and I agreed out of a sense of duty to the company and to the public officials who have come to its aid. Having now been let down by both, I can no longer justify spending 10, 12, 14 hours a day away from my family for the benefit of those who have let me down.
I did not know that this was going on:
A group of Alaska liberals, with the apparent cooperation of members of the Alaska Democratic Party have been filing ethics charge after ethics charge against Sarah Palin. The aim? Not to get her impeached and booted from office, because every single one of the charges are frivolous, baseless and even fairly deranged - one was even filed in the name of a soap opera character - but something far more personal.
These people want to bankrupt the Palins and leave them destitute. They want to empty their bank accounts so that they cannot afford the basics and necessities of life after Governor Palin leaves office.
Labels: politics, Sarah Palin
This is the kind of thing that should go without saying.
if you own even modest assets (a small house, a savings account) and you think that in a battle between the political class and the business class it's in your interest for the latter to lose, you're a fool who entirely deserves the vaporization of his wealth on which Barney Frank & Co have embarked.
Labels: barney frank, economics, Steyn
Earlier today, Ed Whelan, in the Corner, took note of Congressman Barney Frank's casual slander of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia:
Massachusetts Rep. Barney Frank...was discussing gay marriage and his expectation that the high court would some day be called upon to decide whether the Constitution allows the federal government to deny recognition to same-sex marriages.
"I wouldn't want it to go to the United States Supreme Court now because that homophobe Antonin Scalia has too many votes on this current court," said Frank.
In response to my criticism of the term “homophobe,” Andrew Sullivan asks: “[D]oes Ed Whelan believe that anti-gay animus doesn't exist? If so, what would he call it, if not homophobia? Seriously: is there a better term?”
Labels: andrew sullivan, barney frank, homophobia, scalia
Odds and ends...
In recent days, in spite of public furor over huge bonuses paid at American International Group Inc., the administration has concluded that it needs the private sector to play a central role in fixing the economy ["who'd a thunk it?" - LB] ...But weeks of searing criticism by politicians and the public had left bankers leery of working with the government.
At a time when his Washington honeymoon is turning into a hazing, President Barack Obama and his team are launched on a strategy to sail above the traditional White House press corps by reaching out to liberal commentators, local reporters and ethnic media.
The idea that led to the founding of Orion Energy Systems received a presidential salute of sorts today. President Barack Obama just finished speaking at a White House roundtable on clean energy efficiency attended by Neal Verfuerth, Orion president and chief executive. Obama saluted Orion...All terrific press for Orion, except that Obama kept pronouncing the company’s name wrong, calling it OAR-ee-on.(H/T: PowerLine)
The honeymoon is over, a national poll will signal today as President Obama’s job approval stumbles to about 50 percent over the lack of improvement with the crippled economy...The president is scheduled to hold his second solo prime-time press conference tonight at 8.
Oh yeah, this'll make everything better...
The Environmental Protection Agency sent a proposal to the White House on Friday finding that global warming is endangering the public's health and welfare, according to several sources, a move that could have far-reaching implications for the nation's economy and environment.
The proposal -- which comes in response to a 2007 Supreme Court decision ordering EPA to consider whether carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases should be regulated under the Clean Air Act -- could lay the groundwork for nationwide measures to limit such emissions.
"By moving forward with the endangerment finding on greenhouse gases, EPA is putting in motion a set of decisions that may have far-reaching unintended consequences," said Bill Kovacs, vice president of environment, technology and regulatory affairs at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. "Specifically, once the finding is made, no matter how limited, some environmental groups will sue to make sure it is applied to all aspects of the Clean Air Act.
"This will mean that all infrastructure projects, including those under the president's stimulus initiative, will be subject to environmental review for greenhouse gases. Since not one of the projects has been subjected to that review, it is possible that the projects under the stimulus initiative will cease. This will be devastating to the economy."
On Thursday Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.), who chairs the Environment and Public Works Committee, said, "There is no question that the law and the facts require an endangerment finding, and it should happen without further delay, and I believe it will."
Labels: economy, global warming, obama, politics
To the surprise of pretty much no one, Curt Schilling has decided to call it a career. As a Red Sox fan who appreciates his contribution to two World Championship teams, I'll always have affection for him. There are those who think that he talked too much (and none, that I've ever heard, that think he talked too little) but that rarely bothered me. He was a great pitcher for while, and in the 2004 post-season, provided a seminal baseball moment when he took the field in game 6 of the ALCS with stitches in his ankle and blood on his sock.
When I wrote about the obscene vilification and congressional overreach on the AIG bonuses last week, I criticized it on mainly constitutional and philosophic grounds. Other critiques are popping up now, many of them on utilitarian grounds.
Few in Congress thought the Smoot-Hawley tariff was a disaster in 1930, but it led to retaliation and a collapse of world trade. The question amid Washington's AIG bonus panic is whether Congress's war on private contracts and the financial system is a similarly destructive moment. It is certainly one of the more amazing and senseless acts of political retribution in American history.
With such a sweeping assault on contracts and punitive taxation, Congress is introducing an element of political risk to economic decisions that is typical of Argentina or Russia. The sanctity of U.S. contracts has long been one of America's competitive advantages in luring capital, a counterpoint to our lottery tort system and costly regulation. Meanwhile, the 90% tax rate marks a return to the pre-Reagan era when Congress and the political class behaved as if taxes didn't matter to growth or incentives. It is a revival of the philosophy of redistributionist "justice" of the 1930s, when capital went on strike for an entire decade.
The financial system will suffer in particular, just when the Obama Administration is desperately seeking more private capital to ride out future losses.
I ran into an Indian businessman friend last week and he said something to me that really struck a chord: “This is the first time I’ve ever visited the United States when I feel like you’re acting like an immature democracy.”
If you want to guarantee that America becomes a mediocre nation, then just keep vilifying every public figure struggling to find a way out of this crisis who stumbles once — like Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner or A.I.G.’s $1-a-year fill-in C.E.O., Ed Liddy — and you’ll ensure that no capable person enlists in government. You will ensure that every bank that has taken public money will try to get rid of it as fast it can, so as not to come under scrutiny, even though that would weaken their balance sheets and make them less able to lend money. And you will ensure that we’ll never get out of this banking crisis, because the solution depends on getting private money funds to team up with the government to buy up toxic assets — and fund managers are growing terrified of any collaboration with government.
Senior executives on both sides of the Atlantic on Friday warned of an exodus of talent from some of the biggest names in US finance, saying the “anti-American” measures smacked of “a McCarthy witch-hunt” that would send the country “back to the stone age”.
There were fears that the backlash triggered by AIG’s payment of $165m in bonuses to executives responsible for losses that forced a $170bn taxpayer-funded rescue would have devastating consequences for the largest banks.
“Finance is one of America’s great industries, and they’re destroying it,” said one banker at a firm that has accepted public money. “This happened out of haste and anger over AIG, but we’re not like AIG.”
The banker added: “It’s like a McCarthy witch-hunt...This is the most profoundly anti- American thing I’ve ever seen.”
So the second round of the NCAA tournament is in the books, and I've got about the most successful bracket I've ever put together so far. (I'm not in any pools or contests anywhere - I just filled it out for the heck of it.)
Labels: basketball, ncaa, tournament
Maybe they can't see it from the shamrock-hued vistas of their "cottages" on the west coast of Ireland, but the political class has done nothing this last week but destroy the wealth of this country...I pay for Congressman Frank and Senator Dodd, not the other way round. I would appreciate it if they'd take up a less destructive pastime, perhaps joining Senator Kerry in windsurfing off the Irish coast in buttock-hugging yellow Lycra. If you have even a modest asset - a small house, a sluggish savings account or pension provision - these people are making you poorer.- Mark Steyn
My results for the first round of the NCAA BB tournament:
Labels: basketball, ncaa, tournament
I'm obviously not a lawyer. John Hinderaker, who is, expresses concern and dismay about the same issues that I was concerned and dismayed about yesterday.
I'm stupefied to find that some people are defending the constitutionality of Nancy Pelosi's discriminatory, confiscatory and retroactive tax on people who receive bonus income from companies that got TARP money. I would have considered it a bright line rule that the government can't identify a class of unpopular people and impose a special tax on them. ...If the Pelosi bill is actually enacted into law (which I still think is doubtful) and upheld by the courts, there is no limit to the arbitrary power of Congress. In that event, we have no property rights and there is no Constitution--no equal protection clause, no due process clause, no impairment of contracts clause, no bill of attainder/ex post facto law clause. Instead, we are living in a majoritarian tyranny...even if you think it was wrong for AIG to pay them, Pelosi's proposed confiscatory tax--total taxes would exceed 100 percent in some jurisdictions--is an outrage. If Congress can appease a howling mob of demagogues by enacting discriminatory tax legislation against a group of people who are, for the moment, politically unpopular...then the idea that the Constitution affords us any sort of protection against arbitrary government power is an illusion.
When I wrote about the gift of DVDs which passed from President Obama to Prime Minister Brown last month, I mentioned that there was "no word on whether the DVDs are region 2 and PAL so that the Prime Minister can at least watch them in Great Britain, or if they're region 1 and NTSC, so that they'll make nifty coasters..."
While not exactly a film buff, Gordon Brown was touched when Barack Obama gave him a set of 25 classic American movies – including Psycho, starring Anthony Perkins on his recent visit to Washington.
Alas, when the PM settled down to begin watching them the other night, he found there was a problem.
The films only worked in DVD players made in North America and the words "wrong region" came up on his screen.
Labels: gifts, great britain, obama
This is horrifying.
Acting with lightning speed, the Democratic-led House has approved a bill to slap punishing taxes on big employee bonuses from firms bailed out by taxpayers. The vote was 328-93...Republicans called it a legally questionable ploy to paper over Obama administration missteps.
In Germany they first came for the Communists,
and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Communist.
Then they came for the Jews,
and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Jew.
Then they came for the trade unionists,
and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a trade unionist.
Then they came for the Catholics,
and I didn't speak up because I was a Protestant.
Then they came for me —
and by that time no one was left to speak up.- Pastor Martin Niemöller
Labels: AIG, congress, US Constitution
After poring over the books, tapes, stat sheets and analyses for, literally, minutes, I proudly present the official Lyford NCAA Bracket. For entertainment purposes only (though this should be entertaining primarily in retrospect as a series of "how could he pick that" jokes). Anyone that would use these picks for anything other than a chuckle deserves what he gets.
First Round winners | ||||
Midwest | West | East | South | |
Louisville | Connecticut | Pittsburgh | North Carolina | |
Ohio State | BYU | Tennessee | LSU | |
Utah | Purdue | Wisconsin | Illinois | |
Wake Forest | Washington | Xavier | Gonzaga | |
West Virginia | Marquette | VCU | Arizona State | |
Kansas | Missouri | Villanova | Syracuse | |
Boston College | California | Texas | Clemson | |
Michigan State | Memphis | Duke | Oklahoma | |
"Sweet 16" | ||||
Louisville | Connecticut | Pittsburgh | North Carolina | |
Utah | Washington | Wisconsin | Illinois | |
Kansas | Missouri | Villanova | Syracuse | |
Michigan State | Memphis | Duke | Oklahoma | |
"Elite 8" | ||||
Louisville | Connecticut | Pittsburgh | North Carolina | |
Kansas | Memphis | Duke | Syracuse | |
"Final Four" | ||||
Kansas | Memphis | Duke | North Carolina | |
National Semifinalists | ||||
Memphis | Duke | |||
Champion | ||||
Memphis |
Labels: basketball, ncaa
I know that the following statement will put me squarely in the (apparently very small) minority, but there it is. I'm willing to stand there if I must.
Labels: AIG, obama, obamanomics, schumer, stimulus
NY Times gets (while simultaneously missing) the story...
President Barack Obama has established a staff position in the White House to oversee arts and culture in the Office of Public Liaison and Intergovernmental Affairs...Mr. Ivey, a former chairman of the National Endowment for the Arts, said he expected that the job would mainly involve coordinating the activities of the National Endowment for the Humanities and the Institute of Museum and Library Services “in relation to White House objectives.” Although there have been staff members assigned to culture under past presidents, they usually served in the first lady’s office, Mr. Ivey said.
Labels: culture, obama, propaganda
A month and a half ago I wrote a piece challenging the long-held conventional wisdom that Jason Varitek was helping the Sox pitchers' ERA. It got linked and generated a fair amount of traffic, as well as a lot of disagreement. Well, this week, David Laurilia interviewed John Dewan at Baseball Prospectus and the topic of Varitek's defense came up:
DL: Looking at the book, I was surprised to see how poorly Jason Varitek rated in Earned Runs Saved over the past six seasons.
JD: Yeah, that actually surprised us. Jason Kendall is near the top, Pudge Rodriguez is near the top, and we were a bit surprised by Jason Varitek. But the bottom line is that his Catcher ERAs — and we do an adjustment based on park factors, and in his case it doesn't matter as much, though historically park factor adjustments are important for a guy like Mike Piazza especially. But Jason Varitek just consistently, when you looked at how he compared with other Boston catchers, he didn't do as well. And our system not only compares against Boston catchers, but it will take into account pitchers who pitched for the Red Sox, and how they did when they were traded in midseason and caught by catchers on other teams. There are a variety of factors that come into play, and Varitek did surprise us by not coming out as well as we had expected...there are still so many components of what a catcher does, like working with a pitcher and working with the team, and those are areas where both Ausmus and Varitek are team leaders. Both have aspects to what they do that we don't know how to measure yet. So if I were a push-button manager, neither of those guys would play for me. But the managers who are managing those guys know a little bit more about them, and what other aspects are important. What I would tell [Terry Francona] is that it doesn't look like [Varitek] is helping his pitchers' ERAs. If that's what you think is happening here, it's not.
I don't know where this came from originally, but I saw it in a piece by Burt Prelusky, and liked it:
It’s a Recession when your neighbor loses his job. It’s a Depression when you lose your job. It’s a Recovery when Obama loses his job.
Labels: obama, obamanomics, quote
Democratic political consultant Joe Trippi has penned an op-ed praising Barack Obama.
23.6 million Americans suffer from diabetes. And, for all of us, Monday was an important--and emotional--day. President Barack Obama signed an executive order lifting the nation's ban on funding research on new embryonic stem cell lines. With it, there is new hope for millions of diabetes sufferers, including me, as well as millions more suffering from other debilitating diseases.
If it’s obvious that we’re not taking embryos that can - that under any conceivable scenario would be used for a process that would allow them to be fertilized and become little babies, and I think if it’s obvious that we’re not talking about some science fiction cloning of human beings, then I think the American people will support this.
Labels: Abolition of Man, abortion, obama, stem cells
Fantastic Corner post by Jay Nordlinger on Rush Limbaugh. I agree with almost every word...
Labels: Rush Limbaugh
For Easter Sunday, we will be singing the "Et resurrexit" from Bach's Mass in B Minor as an introit*. It is a masterwork. I thought I'd share that with you today...
If we had a legitimate news media in this country, people would know these things. But we don't - we have a propaganda arm of the Democratic party, so Chris Dodd and Barney Frank and John Kerry and Barack Obama can shamelessly blame George W. Bush for their destruction of the banking system and never get called on it by the fourth estate. Thank God for the internet...
Labels: barney frank, chris dodd, economics, economy, media, obama, obamanomics
...but I don't think that it was just coincidence that I laughed when I saw this...
Labels: lol, statistics
We all know that being a liberal means never having to say "I'm sorry," but it also means never, ever, under any circumstances, learning from experience. No matter how badly an idea fails, no matter what the unintended consequences, no matter how obvious that the unintended consequences will again be the consequences, no idea needs be shelved if liberals can feel that they're hurting someone successful by implementing it.
I am a stand-up comedian and have been slinging jokes for over thirty years...During the last ten years, I have moved from the club market into mostly corporate events....Recently, my job has come under attack by some high ranking Democrats. While bragging about how many jobs he was going to create and save, about how many shovels he was going to get turning, Mr. Obama has sent my industry into a tail spin. He has taken several broad swipes at corporate entertainment in the past few weeks. Because they also hate corporate fat cats, Senator John Kerry and Representative Barney Frank joined in and started slamming my little corner of show business as well...He embarrassed business leaders and they have been cutting back on entertaining. Unfortunately, due to the law of unintended consequences, it wasn’t the corporate fat cats that got hurt. They have mothballed their corporate jets and are suffering by flying first class to their vacation homes in the Bahamas, poor guys!
Who the president hurt were thousands of waiters, caterers, bartenders, stage hands, sound technicians, floor sweepers, decorators, jet pilots, mechanics, parts suppliers, hotel workers and even a few stand up comics who depend on those fat cats for their livelihoods.
Not all fat cats come under this Democrat microscope. This week in Miami, at the Fontainebleau Hotel, a fairly swanky joint, the AFL-CIO is hosting a little shindig. Not only are they not under fire for reckless spending while their union members are losing their jobs left and right, but a couple of high ranking Democrats including the Joe Biden will be down there cheering them on.
Labels: class envy, obamanomics
The blame America first Democrats are at it again.
The United States is seen as the key player in global climate talks in Copenhagen in December, after President Barack Obama signaled a new urgency in tackling climate change in stark contrast to his predecessor George W. Bush.
"Certainly the United States has been negligent in living up to its responsibilities," Clinton said. "This is a propitious time ... we can actually begin to demonstrate our willingness to confront this.
Labels: democrats, global warming, hillary
It is, of course, usual for heads of state to exchange gifts, particularly when meeting for the first time. So when British Prime Minister met with President Obama last week, it was standard protocol that there would be an exchange of gifts.
Mr Brown's gifts included an ornamental desk pen holder made from the oak timbers of Victorian anti-slaver HMS Gannet, once named HMS President.
Mr Obama was so delighted he has already put it in pride of place in the Oval Office on the Resolute desk which was carved from timbers of Gannet's sister ship, HMS Resolute.
Another treasure given to the U.S. President was the framed commission for HMS Resolute, a vessel that came to symbolise Anglo-US peace when it was saved from ice packs by Americans and given to Queen Victoria.
Finally, Mr Brown gave a first edition set of the seven-volume classic biography of Churchill by Sir Martin Gilbert.
The White House issued a press briefing today that put on record how much Mr Obama had appreciated the gifts.
Gordon Brown has been given a collection of 25 classic American films on DVD as his official gift from Barack Obama. The Prime Minister flew home from his successful trip to Washington this morning with the 'special collector's box' of films hidden in his luggage.
No. 10 had tried to keep the present a secret...One reason for the secrecy might be that the gift seems markedly less generous and thoughtful than the presents taken to Washington by the Prime Minister.
Labels: foreign policy, gifts, great britain, obama
A couple of things that I've seen this week that I wanted to comment on...
Regardless of the actual terms of Albert Haynesworth's contract, I believe we are seeing some disturbing developments. When America is suffering through a recession, it does the fan no good to see some of these contracts. Won't ticket prices and merchandise have to increase?
Nonetheless, one cannot help but wonder if the Patriots did themselves more harm than good when they used the franchise tag on Matt Cassel.
Ending weeks of speculation that began during the final stages of the 2008 regular season, the Patriots on Saturday traded Cassel and linebacker Mike Vrabel to the Kansas City Chiefs for a second-round pick (34th overall) in next month's draft. Just like that, Cassel's meteoric rise in New England crashed to a halt. After all that debate and all that posturing, the Patriots seemed to give up more than they received, unloading the same Cassel contract they saddled themselves with in the first place.
No Cassel
No Vrabel
No pick
No Cassel
No Vrabel
The 34th pick in the draft
Some wag observed, shortly after last fall's election, that "there are two kinds of people in this country - those who remember the Carter years, and those who are about to learn."
Labels: carter, obama, obamanomics
So, the inevitable trade came, as we all knew that it would, and Matt Cassell has finished the New England Patriots portion of his career.
Labels: Matt Cassel, Mike Vrabel, NFL, Patriots