Thursday, May 12, 2005

Occasion already passed!


The Washington Times is writing today - again - about the Senate Democrats' unprecedented obstructionism. The money line is this - "for the first complete two-year Congresses of the 10 postwar presidencies preceding George W. Bush's, the circuit-court confirmation rate averaged 91.2 percent. For Mr. Bush, it was 53.1 percent."

What the Democrats have done is completely unprecedented, George Mitchell's lies in the NY Times notwithstanding. The "nuclear option" has been invoked. Not by the Republicans, but by the Democrats. The Democrats started breaking the process when they went into a full-scale personal attack on Robert Bork (and how much better would the court look right now with Bork in place of Anthony Kennedy?) and then completely shattered the process with the filibusters on the appeals court justices. The Republicans need to fix it, and they need to change the rules to do it. The ability to filibuster judges will be gone if it's ever going to help Republicans, they need to do what they can now to get good people on to the bench while they have the chance.



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