Saturday, September 15, 2007

Occasion already passed!

Red Sox Magic Number - September 16

Well, post-game September 15, anyway. The Magic Number is down to 9.

If Boston goes 9-4 (.692), they win the East
If Boston goes 8-5 (.615), Yankees need to go 14-0 (1.000) to tie.
If Boston goes 7-6 (.538), Yankees need to go 13-1 (.929) to tie.
If Boston goes 6-7 (.462), Yankees need to go 12-2 (.857) to tie.
If Boston goes 5-8 (.385), Yankees need to go 11-3 (.786) to tie.
If Boston goes 4-9 (.308), Yankees need to go 10-4 (.714) to tie.
If Boston goes 3-10 (.231), Yankees need to go 9-5 (.643) to tie.
If Boston goes 2-11 (.154), Yankees need to go 8-6 (.571) to tie.
If Boston goes 1-12 (.077), Yankees need to go 7-7 (.500) to tie.
If Boston goes 0-13 (.000), Yankees need to go 6-8 (.429) to tie.

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