Friday, September 14, 2007

Occasion already passed!

Red Sox Magic Number - September 14

Toronto's 2-1 win over New York on Thursday raised Boston's lead in the AL East to 5 1/2 games, 5 in the loss column. Their magic number for winning their first division title in 12 years is now 11.

If Boston goes 11-4 (.733), they win the East
If Boston goes 10-5 (.667), Yankees need to go 16-0 (1.000) to tie.
If Boston goes 9-6 (.600), Yankees need to go 15-1 (.938) to tie.
If Boston goes 8-7 (.533), Yankees need to go 14-2 (.875) to tie.
If Boston goes 7-8 (.467), Yankees need to go 13-3 (.813) to tie.
If Boston goes 6-9 (.400), Yankees need to go 12-4 (.750) to tie.
If Boston goes 5-10 (.333), Yankees need to go 11-5 (.688) to tie.
If Boston goes 4-11 (.267), Yankees need to go 10-6 (.625) to tie.
If Boston goes 3-12 (.200), Yankees need to go 9-7 (.563) to tie.
If Boston goes 2-13 (.133), Yankees need to go 8-8 (.500) to tie.
If Boston goes 1-14 (.067), Yankees need to go 7-9 (.438) to tie.
If Boston goes 0-15 (.000), Yankees need to go 6-10 (.375) to tie.

Chris' take on the Red Sox magic number 11

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