Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Occasion already passed!

MaxedOutMama looking at Planned Parenthood

MaxedOutMama is looking at Planned Parenthood, and she's not happy with what she's seeing. (H/T to the Anchoress). PP wants to help "educate" teens by preparing and proposing curricula for educators.
This activity aims to teach teens what it means to be sexually healthy. As sexuality educators, we have a responsibility to help adolescents develop the values, skills, knowledge and attitudes that will help them take responsibility and have good sexual health...

What that means to Planned Parenthood is, of course, condoms and casual sex, with no value judgements. MOM looks at some of the PP lesson plans, and then adds a modicum of reality to the PP fantasy world-view. The results are impressive and devastating.
Realistically, people who don't sleep around that much and use condoms vastly reduce their risks for STDs and pregnancy. That is the message that organizations like Planned Parenthood don't want kids to get, but it is the most scientifically supportable message.

The truth is that in terms of preventing STD's, the Catholic church has a more scientifically accurate message than most sex ed programs in high schools in North America.
I am sick to death of the sanctimonious prating of people who complain about prudish or unrealistic outdated sexual morality. We would not accept risk factors like those listed above for any other category of human behavior. The idea that teenagers are unable to control themselves is ridiculous. They aren't getting the facts because of a truly neurotic reverse prudery.

There's lots more, but it's all good. An excellent, awesome take-down of a truly loathsome organization...



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