Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Occasion already passed!

A little self-indulgence...

I've not yet had, as we all dream of having, an instalanche. I've had a couple of posts that got linked by Polipundit and Michelle Malkin, and that generates a lot of traffic, but I'm still new and small and relatively insignificant. Which is fine - I'm increasing traffic month-by-month (though I'll have a lot of trouble topping August in September, I suspect.)

But, even though I've not yet had that instalanche, I had something today that I think was even better. It's not going to generate anywhere near the volume on my blog that the Instapundit linking to me would, but I've got something to listen to, that I'll treasure for a long, long time. Today, in the opening monologue of the 3rd hour of the Rush Limbaugh show, Rush, El RUSHBO! himself, not only mentioned a post that I wrote, he mentioned me by name and read the entire thing!

For the past week and a half, I've been a contributing blogger to the Media Research Center's new group blog, NewsBusters.org. Well, a post that I wrote yesterday afternoon on the AP's presidential approval poll (which I neglected to duplicate here) caught Rush's eye. And he read it.

And I, of course, was not listening during that 5 minute stretch. About the only section of the show that I missed today, as I was listening while at work. But I found out, and I've got the audio, and I've listened to it several times. He did a great job reading it, and it was quite a thrill...



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