Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Occasion already passed!

At least they're honest wackos...

There are groups out in the world who argue under disguise. Groups fighting traditional values in subtle ways. Groups that use mainstream language to promote subversive causes. Groups that appeal to people's better instincts with partial stories, groups that couch calls for action that would be harmful to society and its members in language that make the actions seem helpful, useful, beneficial, good...

PETA is not one of them.
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, a national animal rights group, posted giant photographs of people, mostly black Americans, being tortured, sold and killed, next to photographs of animals, including cattle and sheep, being tortured, sold and killed.

"I think it is an apt comparison," said Josh Warchol, 26, of Wallingford, president of the Southern Connecticut Vegetarian Society, which is aligned with PETA.

PETA officials said they had hoped to generate dialogue with the shocking photographs.

Hey, at least they're honest. They're absolute wackos, who believe that the lives of cows and chickens and lobsters are fully as valuable as the lives of human beings, and they don't pretend otherwise. Because of that, they aren't an actual threat to convert any semi-sentient beings to their cause. Which makes them a source of amusement...

(H/T to Michelle Malkin)



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