Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Occasion already passed!

More on the Presidential "vacation"

I've been irritated all day by the stupid Washington Post Article about Bush's "vacation" time. I know that there's been some response in the fever swamps of the left (who hate everything Bush does, including nothing). It's an idiotic "story," and it appears to be covered only during Republican administrations.

The fact is that the President never goes on vacation. He's always the President, every minute of every day. The responsibilities are always there. Whether he's in Washington or Brussels or Scotland or Crawford, he's the President. He has the nuclear launch codes with him, he has daily briefings, he has control of the apparatus of government. For the press to make an issue of his spending August, when neither of the other two branches of the Federal government are in Washington, in Texas would be akin to making an issue about Johnny Damon taking half the year off because he only played 81 games at Fenway Park...



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