Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Occasion already passed!

Smart vs. dumb?

One of the perpetual media storylines in the last two presidential campaigns has been George W. Bush's intellectual inferiority to his Democratic opponent. Never mind that there's no actual objective evidence for it, it's just assumed to be true.

Well, the media has finally found Kerry's grades at Yale and guess what? They're not any better that George Bush's.
Sen. John F. Kerry's grade average at Yale University was virtually identical to President Bush's record there, despite repeated portrayals of Kerry as the more intellectual candidate during the 2004 presidential campaign.

What a shock...

It was worse in 2000, where Al Gore somehow had earned the reputation as an intellectual heavyweight because of a enviro-alarmist tome based on science, pseudo-science, junk science and unibomber-style rantings.

Educational background

Legacy to AndoverSt. Albans!

Legacy to YaleHarvard!

"Gentleman's C's"We said Harvard! Who cares what his grades were?

It was comical to watch. Two young men went to tony prep Schools, largely on their father's names, on to Ivy League schools, largely on their father's names. They both had comparably mediocre grades throughout. But somehow the smart one is the one that flunked out of divinity school and law school, as opposed to the "dope" who got his MBA (at Harvard Business), flew jets in the Air National Guard, started his own business and ran a Major League Baseball team.



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