Thursday, June 02, 2005

Occasion already passed!

Odds and ends on leaks...

A couple of odds and ends:

  • Bob Woodward has written the final chapter of "All The President's Men" this morning. Not chronologically, of course. He talks about how he met Mark Felt, and how he became "Deep Throat".

    And we now can see what "Deep Throat's" initial contribution was. Woodward called him on Monday morning, two days after the break-in. From chapter 1 of "All The President's Men":
    Woodward called an old friend and sometimes source who worked for the federal government and did not like to be called at his office. His friend said hurriedly that the break-in case was going to "heat up," but he couldn't explain and hung up.

    Update: Woodward, on Imus this morning, made it clear that he's got another book coming out to talk about all of this...

  • Interesting point at "Bench Memos" this morning, apparently from Rush Limbaugh yesterday. "A central Democratic charge against appellate court nominee Brett Kavanaugh is he leaked to the press as a member of Ken Starr’s Office of Independent Counsel." A point that I'd forgotten, but is interesting in the atmosphere of general Paeans to the greatness of Mark Felt.

    Of course, my position on this is that it makes the Democrats' position a lot stronger. If, that is, they know that Kavanaugh leaked, as opposed to just suspecting it...

  • Rich Lowry, in The Corner, linked last night to this amusing (in retrospect) post from Talking Points Memo.
    Even more convincing, however, is Buchanan's demonstrable unwillingness to deny it.

    Have you ever seen Buchanan hide from a microphone? Of course not. If he's such a Nixon loyalist why isn't he rushing forth to deny it and even demanding Woodward do the same? Is Pat's phone disconnected? Has everyone forgotten the address of his home over in McLean, Virginia? He hasn't been able to return the calls yet? Please.

    His unwillingness to deny it seals the deal as far as I'm concerned.

    Yes, that's right - he was convinced that Pat Buchanan was "Deep Throat"...



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