Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Occasion already passed!

You can trust the Democratic Senators...

From the AP:

In the privacy of his Capitol office last Monday night, Sen. Harry Reid, D-Nev., asked for commitments from six Democrats fresh from the talks. Would they pledge to support filibusters against Brett Kavanaugh and William Haynes, two nominees not specifically covered by the pact with Republicans?

Some of the Democrats agreed. At least one, Sen. Ben Nelson of Nebraska, declined.

Details of Reid's attempt to kill the two nominations within minutes of the agreement, as well as other events during this tumultuous time, were obtained by The Associated Press in interviews with senators and aides in both parties. They spoke on condition of anonymity, citing confidentiality pledges.

On the bookshelf in my parents' home, as I was growing up, there was shelf with political books. One of them was a little volume whose spine read, You Can Trust The Communists. Upon pulling it from the shelf, however, you discovered that there was more to the title. The full title is You Can Trust The Communists (to be Communists) That's how I feel about Democratic Senators. You can trust them to be Democratic Senators, with all that entails, meaning egotistical, untrustworthy, obstructionist and fully in thrall to the far-left.



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