Wednesday, April 14, 2010

"The awful daring of a moment's surrender, which an age of prudence can never retract..."

Elections have consequences.

Grace-Marie Turner:
Officials are facing the growing realization that the legislation is very poorly drafted. The Senate bill never was intended to go into law as is; leaders believed they would be able to merge the House and Senate measures into a cleaned-up and final version of the bill. It was primarily a vehicle to cobble together 60 votes in the pre–Scott Brown Senate.

But after Democrats lost their filibuster-proof majority, the only choice was to pass the dreaded Senate bill as is. Now they have a poorly-drafted bill that exacerbates already overwhelming implementation challenges.

In a bit of justice, it turns out that the law creates significant confusion about whether or not members of Congress actually still have health insurance. The bill was amended in the Senate to make sure members and staff are in the system they created for the rest of us and must get their insurance through the new exchanges. But now there is confusion about whether or not they have coverage until the new exchanges actually start in 2014. A 13-page, single-spaced memo from the Congressional Research Service reaches no conclusion.
Click the link, read it all.




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