Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Occasion already passed!

"No death panels here, not no way, not no how..."

"Death panels? What a canard! What a vile slander! No one could possibly think that a government health plan would have death panels!" I'm sure that Obamacare will be just as non-death pannelly as the NHS in Great Britain...
Doctors left a premature baby to die because he was born two days too early, his devastated mother claimed yesterday.

Sarah Capewell begged them to save her tiny son, who was born just 21 weeks and five days into her pregnancy - almost four months early.

They ignored her pleas and allegedly told her they were following national guidelines that babies born before 22 weeks should not be given medical treatment.

Medics allegedly told her that they would have tried to save the baby if he had been born two days later, at 22 weeks.

In fact, the medical guidelines for Health Service hospitals state that babies should not be given intensive care if they are born at less than 23 weeks.

I wonder who set those guidelines. Some kind of committee or panel, I guess. But we sure wouldn't have them under government health care here, no way, no how. That's why that "death panel" accusation is such gross disinformation...

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