Friday, September 30, 2005

Occasion already passed!

Post-Friday play-off scenarios

Well, we're down to 2 days, 4 games, to determine 2 play-off spots from among 3 teams. With Boston's 5-3 win over New York and Cleveland's 3-2 loss to Chicago, this is where we stand:



New York9466


9 possible combinations left:

Play-off Scenarios
Red SoxIndiansResult

2-02-0Boston wins East, Cleveland wins WC

1-1Boston wins East, Cleveland/NY play 1-game play-off for WC

0-2Boston wins East, NY wins WC

1-12-0Boston/NY play-off for the East, Cleveland plays loser (NY@CLE or CLE@BOS) for WC

1-1, 0-2NY wins East, Boston wins WC

0-22-0New York wins East, Cleveland wins WC

1-1New York wins East, Boston/Cleveland play 1-game play-off for WC

0-2New York wins East, Boston wins WC

The Indians are in the worst shape. They need to go 2-0 or hope that the remaining 2 games of the Red Sox/Yankee series are swept to still be playing next week. The Red Sox and Yankees need only split to guarantee that they, at the least, get to a play-in game or two.

Boston's win tonight also guarantees that Sunday's game at Fenway is a meaningful game - no one can clinch the east tomorrow. So the AL East will come down to the final day (and maybe beyond...)

Where that said "no one can clinch the east tomorrow" was wrong. What it should have said was "neither team can guarantee finishing with a better record tomorrow."



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