Monday, June 27, 2005

Occasion already passed!

Supreme Court declares Constitution Unconstitutional

The US Supreme Court ruled today that the United States Constitution is unconstitutional, and no longer carries the force of law. The Constitution was found to be invalid because it contained the phrase "in the year of our Lord," in clear violation of the establishment clause of the first amendment.

Delivering the majority opinion, Justice John Paul Stevens wrote:
Viewed on its face, this usage has no purported connection to God’s role in the formation of the calendar or the founding of our Nation; nor does it provide the reasonable observer with any basis to guess that it was erected to honor any individual or organization. The message transmitted by the text is quite plain: This nation endorses the divine code of the “Judeo-Christian” God.

The adornment of our public documents with displays of religious symbols and messages undoubtedly provides comfort, even inspiration, to many individuals who subscribe to particular faiths. Unfortunately, the practice also runs the risk of “offend[ing] nonmembers of the faith being advertised as well as adherents who consider the particular advertisement disrespectful.”

In a move that surprised many court-watchers, the Court went on to claim that "since the US Constitution has been declared unconstitutional, the government of the United States must be immediately disbanded."

Congressional leaders offered no objections to the ruling. "Hey, if that's what the Supreme Court says, that's what the law is," said former Senate majority leader Bill Frist, packing his bag. "If they say that the constitution's unconstitutional, what right do I have to challenge them?" Former Senate minority leader Harry Reid commented that "I hate to leave Washington, but at least that lying loser in the White House isn't in charge any longer."

Apparently, it is still theoretically possible for the people in the former United States of America to re-form a new government. But, warns Justice Ginsburg, "there'd better not be any of that 'God' nonsense involved..."



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