Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Occasion already passed!

He said what?

Sometimes the punchline is built in...

  • "We are going to be much tougher and in-your-face with the Republicans when they say things that aren't true."
    - Howard Dean has decided to stop being a milquetoast.

  • "He compared himself to Jesus, how Judas told on Jesus. He was like, `That's how it was for me.' If his Judas never said anything, nobody ever would have found him, he said."
    - Private Jesse Dawson on Saddam Hussein, who obviously attended the same historical analogies course as Dick Durbin.

  • "For me, the hard thing is the psychological pressure of being original. I find that almost impossible."
    - Maureen Dowd, whining to the Salt Lake Tribune about how hard her job is.
    (H/T to Michelle Malkin)

    (The really amusing thing about that comment is that the book she's working on is entitled "Are Men Necessary?" I guess she's serious about how impossible it is to be original...)
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