Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Occasion already passed!

Another Vietnam quote

When I was talking about Vietnam the other day, there was another quote that I wanted to use, something that I thought had the impact of the Collier/Horowitz comment on the effects of the North Vietnamese victory. And it was related to the comment that Wendy made about her father's boat-people rants. Unfortunately, I couldn't find it, and couldn't remember who'd said it.

But now I've located it. It was General Vernon Walters. And it was every bit as powerful as I remembered it being.

For over ten years, bombs rained down on every village and hamlet in South Vietnam, and no one budged. It took the coming of a Communist ‘peace’ to send hundreds of thousands of people out into the South China Sea, on anything that could float, or might float, to risk dehydration, piracy, and drowning.

I've got nothing to add to that...



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