Thursday, January 22, 2009

Occasion already passed!

Rove on W.

Excellent piece from Karl Rove in the Wall Street Journal. I don't know that I agree with every word, but I agree with most of it, and I definitely agree with the sentiment.
Few presidents had as many challenges arise during their eight years, had as many tough calls to make in such a partisan-charged environment, or had to act in the face of such hostile media and elite opinion.


But despite facing challenges and crises few others have, the job did not break George W. Bush. Though older and grayer, his brows more furrowed, he is the same man he was, a person of integrity who did what he believed was right. And he exits knowing he summoned all of his energy and talents to defend America and advance its ideals at home and abroad. He didn't get everything right -- no president does -- but he got the most important things right. And that is enough.



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