Monday, February 25, 2008

Occasion already passed!

Barack - A new kind of Politician!

Here's the kind of rhetoric for which Obama is being hailed as a pseudo-messianac figure:
[This] will not be a year of politics as usual. It can be a year of inspiration and hope, and it will be a year of concern, of quiet and sober reassessment of our nation’s character and purpose. It has already been a year when voters have confounded the experts. And I guarantee you that it will be the year when we give the government of this country back to the people of this country.

There is a new mood in America. We have been shaken by a tragic war abroad and by scandals and broken promises at home. Our people are searching for new voices and new ideas and new leaders.


As I’ve said many times before, we can have an American President who does not govern with negativism and fear of the future, but with vigor and vision and aggressive leadership—a President who’s not isolated from the people, but who feels your pain and shares your dreams and takes his strength and his wisdom and his courage from you.

I see an America on the move again, united, a diverse and vital and tolerant nation...with pride and confidence, an America that lives up to the majesty of our Constitution and the simple decency of our people.

This is the America we want. This is the America that we will have.



A different kind of politician!

(Oh yeah, that wasn't actually Obama - that was Jimmy Carter, accepting the Democratic Presidential Nomination 32 years ago. But it sure sounds good, doesn't it?)

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