Thursday, June 16, 2005

Occasion already passed!

Around the 'sphere...

Odds and ends from around the blogosphere that have caught my attention this week...

  • Betsy Newmark jumped off from a Robert Novak story to present her vision of the press coverage of a Romney Presidential campaign.
    Meanwhile, Hillary Clinton, the Democratic candidate, will say that she thinks it is totally inappropriate to question her opponent's religion and that her faith has always been very important to her and how it guides so much of what she believes because, miraculously, her faith is in perfect alignment with every political belief she has. Howard Dean will make a few remarks about Mormons being the religion of white men. The media will tut-tut and then have more articles explaining what Mormons believe. Then they'll take another round of polls and show that people have doubts about the thought of having a Mormon as president. The cycle of questions, polls, snide comments, long articles, and media self-flagellation will continue over and over again until it achieves its ultimate objective, the election of a Democrat over Romney, or until it fails and the days of the feared Mormon rule begins.

    I think that her crystal ball is in perfect working order...

  • The Baseball Crank is also looking ahead 3 years, to The Vietnam Card - 2008 Edition. He's compiled list of the prominent/likely 2008 presidential candidates, and sorted them by birth year, identifying what they did during the Vietnam period. An excellent reference.

  • John Hawkins is talking about The Democrats' Long, Steady Slide In The Senate. The great thing about this post is the visual evidence. The chart makes the point much clearer than the raw totals can...

  • La Shawn Barber ranted about the Senate's lynching apology a couple of days ago.
    Perhaps Congress should apologize for decades of bloated socialist programs that caused the black family to disintegrate. Paying unmarried women to have babies is obscene, immoral, and the reason so many (too many) black children have no fathers to speak of. Treating blacks like dummies who require separate (LOWER) standards than every other race is offensive. I’m offended. Where is my apology?

    Generations of blacks have been lulled into feeding from the government trough, and the damage it caused will reverberate for generations. And those numbskulls down the street are apologizing for failing to pass anti-lynching laws 100 years ago. Lord, give me strength.

    I’m sick of politicians wasting time and money pandering to blacks, treating us like empty-headed children, spoon-feeding us putrid pabulum, and prostrating themselves for every perceived slight. Don’t apologize to "Black People." Apologize to individual blacks who actually care about this mess.

    I agree with every word, though I couldn't actually get away with using them in America 2005. She can, and God bless her for doing so. There's more - go check it out.

  • Earlier in the week, Beldar ran an outstanding critique of Justice Souter's Miller-El v. Dretke death penalty opinion. The short version is that he wasn't impressed. I can't do justice to the long version - go read it. There are a lot of bloggers who post more often than Beldar, but few if any that post better...

  • Over at the Quonset Hut, SgtMgr has a round-up of stories of life in The ‘gulag’ of Islamic Law. As always, it's important to remember what we're actually dealing with...



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