Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Occasion already passed!

Gloat-fest aborted...

Chris Lynch is mocking Tom Verducci tonight, as Verducci's SI.com column contains the blindingly obvious fact that Tony Womack is, well, not good.

"Ah-ha!" I cried. "A perfect opportunity to heap scorn upon a mainstream media figure, to play the old 'I-told-you-so game' while demonstrating my intellectual superiority!"

So, I gathered my resources. I addressed Womack, surely. What did I say?

"Tony Womack had what looks like a tremendous fluke season in 2004. Is there any chance that he can repeat it? I say no. His OBP will be closer to .320 than .350."


"The Red Sox do not appear to have a serious black hole in their lineup. They are basically league average or better everywhere. The Yankees have Womack."


"But, while replacing Cairo with Womack is likely to be a lateral move (and neither one can be expected to be as good next year as he was this), the fact that they think signing Womack is a good idea means that a) they haven't upgraded at 2nd, though they apparently think they have and b) they don't appear to be making good baseball decisions. "


"Steinbrenner: Cashman! Get me everything. Now!

Which sometimes (Randy Johnson, Alex Rodriguez, Hidecki Matsui) is a good thing. But sometimes (Jose Contreras, Tony Womack) is NOT a good thing... "

Yes, yes, yes. I clearly foretold that Womack was a bad signing. Now, all I need to do, to make my post complete, is to find the Verducci praise for the Yankee signing, and my gloat-fest can begin!

And there...I ran into trouble.

All that I could find was this.

Oh, and did I mention the Yankees are nuts if they think Tony Womack is a leadoff hitter who deserves to get more plate appearances than anybody on the team?


Ah, well. Even a mainstream media guy can be right once in a while...



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