Friday, April 22, 2005

Occasion already passed!

Starting pitching through 16

The Boston Red Sox starters are on a roll. Since the last game of the first road trip, the team is 8-2 and the starters' ERA is 2.17. They've allowed 5 ER twice, 3 ER once, 1 ER 4 times and no ER 3 times. (And one of the 5s and the 3 were allowed by Schilling.) Outside their Ace, they've been dominant.

Writing about the starting pitching before the season started, I claimed that there was no reason to think that the Red Sox rotation was downgraded from 2004, and that there was no reason to think that the Yankees had a better starting rotation. Through 12 games those were clearly true. And they're still clearly true now. Updating today, just because 16 games is approximately 10% of the Major League season.

Red Sox/Yankee starting pitching through 16 games - 2004-2005

2004 Red Sox6.231.4354.33450.13956%

2005 Red Sox6.251.343.1553.441063%

2004 Yankees5.831.5215.01445.56638%

2005 Yankees5.671.5995.4642.75425%

I'm not sure how often I'll update this, but through 16 games, the 2005 Red Sox starters have been noticeably better than the 2004 Red Sox, and vastly superior to the Yankees...



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