Thursday, September 06, 2012

Occasion already passed!

"A celebration of failure..."

That's Mitt Romney's assessment of the DNC thus far...
Romney and his allies have pounced on Maryland Gov. Martin O'Malley's comments over the weekend that Americans are not better off than they were four years ago. The top Democratic surrogate has since walked back those remarks, and officials with the Obama campaign have contended this week that Americans are better off under Obama's presidency.

But the Republican nominee brushed aside those assertions in an interview with Fox News, noting that the "better off" message hasn't been expressed from the stage in Charlotte, N.C.

"You know no one in the convention so far has had the temerity to say that people are better off in America because they realize that’s not the case," Romney said. "The convention so far is a celebration of failure."

Romney cited record numbers of Americans on food stamps, a rising national debt and declining incomes as evidence of a failed presidency.

"This has been a very difficult four years, and they’re doing their best to celebrate something; but it’s a celebration of failure," he reiterated.

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