Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Occasion already passed!

HHS signs $20M PR contract to promote healthcare law

So, you're in the Federal government, and you've passed a law of which the taxpayers paying for it disapprove. How do you handle this awkward situation, particularly as an election approaches?

Simple - spend more taxpayer dollars propagandizing promoting it!
The Health and Human Services Department has signed a $20 million contract with a public-relations firm to highlight part of the Affordable Care Act.

The new, multimedia ad campaign is designed to educate the public about how to stay healthy and prevent illnesses, an HHS official said.

The campaign was mandated by the Affordable Care Act and must describe the importance of prevention while also explaining preventive benefits provided by the healthcare law.
What could possibly be wrong with that?

Let's just re-write that a smidge and see what happens...
The Health and Human Services Department Obama administration campaign has signed a $20 million contract with a public-relations firm to highlight part of the Affordable Care Act promote Obamacare.

The new, multimedia ad campaign is designed to educate the public about how to stay healthy and prevent illnesses, an HHS official said
the Obama administration is caring for them.

The campaign was mandated by the Affordable Care Act
Obama campaign and must describe the importance increase the popularity of prevention while also explaining preventive benefits provided by the healthcare law.
Yeah, that's how I read it...

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