Monday, January 24, 2011

Occasion already passed!

I watched no football yesterday

One of the outcomes of divisional playoff weekend is that Patriots fans were left with no one to root for. Chicago and Green Bay are two of the three NFC teams to have beaten New England in the Super Bowl. Pittsburgh and the Jets...well, the only thing worse than watching the Steelers go to another Super Bowl would have been watching the Jets go.

Obviously, the Jets losing was the best-case scenario once yesterday arrived. But a football game in which the best case scenario is the Pittsburgh Steelers winning to go to the Super Bowl, where they'll face either Chicago or Green Bay, is the stuff of which nightmares are made. For this Pats fan anyway. So I didn't see any football yesterday. And may not watch the Super Bowl, either. That Patriots loss (which I still don't want to talk about) really ruined the football season for me, and the sooner it's over, the better...

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