Thursday, August 27, 2009

OK. One Kennedy comment

I wasn't going to make any further comment. I really wasn't.

But the front page of today's Boston Globe changed my mind.

We're all flawed. As Paul wrote to the Romans, "all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." So I'm not going to talk about the cheating that got him kicked out of school or the girl that he left to die in his car or the alcohol and sexual assaults. No, I just want to talk briefly about his career in the Senate.

He was in the Senate for a long time. He was a tremendously active and effective legislator. And he was an undying supporter of racial preferences, failure to control the borders, amnesty for illegals, expansion of the welfare state, unilateral disarmament, abortion and a free-wheeling, liberal, living interpretation of the United States Constitution. For anyone who believes that the judicial confirmation process is broken, well, there's one man to blame, with his outrageous and false attack on Robert Bork.

So, in response to President Obama's comment about "the extraordinary good that he did," I just want to say the following.
Ted Kennedy did as much damage to the United States, to its economy, its culture and body politic, as it was possible for a man in his position to do. Ted Kennedy did more damage to the United States, to its economy, its culture and body politic, than any other politician in living memory.

And now I've got nothing more to say.




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