Saturday, October 18, 2008

Vital fact-checking

Never let it be said that CBS doesn't take its fact-checking responsibilities seriously:
The Republican National Committee is sending around this Associated Press photo of overall-clad McCain supporters standing outside an Obama rally, clutching plungers and a sign proclaiming "I Am Joe The Plumber":

The only problem? At least two of the members aren't quite as similar to the newly famous Joe Wurzelbacher as they might like you to think. As CBS News' Maria Gavrilovic, who is traveling with the Obama campaign, reports, the man on the right does say he's an actual plumber – though he is from Melbourne, Australia, and will thus not be casting a vote this November.

And the man on the left, plunger thrust high in the air, is Charlie Smith – the National Chairman of the College Republicans.

Thank goodness someone's vetting these vital campaign figures. Another 15-20 years, someone at CBS will probably get to vetting Barack Obama...

UPDATE: The inimitable Steyn offers up a tip for that CBS fact-checking unit...

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